I had a question and I posted it on stackoverflow: when I commit the md file into the _post
direcory on my github repository
, the code block looks fine with the gray background and nice highlighting, but when I open it on my Github Pages, the styling is gone. I don’t understand why the difference. I’m guessing it has something to do with the way Jekyll parses md files. So I’m decided to refresh upon Jekyll.
Jekyll is, at its core, a text transformation enine. Any file that contains a YAML front matter block will be processed by Jekyll as a special file.
Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. Liquid code can be categorized into objects, tags, and filters.
Objects tell Liquid where to show content on a page. Objects and variable names are denoted by double curly braces. For example: ` Jekyll`
Tags create the logic and control flow for templates. They are denoted by curly braces and percent signs. For example:
Filters change the output of a Liquid object. They are used within an output and are separated by a |. For example:
Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. All of the standard Liquid tags and filters are supported. Jekyll even adds a few handy filters and tags of its own to make common tasks easier.
So far, no answer.